18 September 2015

Blog Tour with Giveaway: The Girl in the Spider's Web (Millennium, #4) by David Lagercrantz

My rating: 5 of 5 stars “What she had realized was that love was that moment when your heart was about to burst.” ---- Stieg Larsson The journalist and the female hacker are back with a bang! David Lagercrantz, a Swedish author, takes up the authority to continue with the legendary Millennium...

7 September 2015

Review #308: Looking for Alaska by John Green

My rating: 4 of 5 stars “At some point we all look up and realize we are lost in a maze.”  ----John Green John Green, an award-winning bestselling author, has penned his debut YA novel, Looking for Alaska that accounts the story of a teenage boy and how his life drastically changes...